Historically, Sunset Boulevard was best known for hosting summer soap box derby races in the 1950s. Due to the Great Recession in combination with the California drought in 2008, other greenways around the city had budget reductions with reduced irrigation schedules, but Sunset Boulevard had its entire budget removed and no irrigation for over a decade. This triggered a mass die off of trees prompting wildlife and local birds to nest elsewhere after calling the greenway home for over half a century.
By 2018, the community was at a breaking point due to deferred maintenance and years of neglect. After a grassroots community meeting, Friends of Sunset Boulevard was formed (FOSB).

We need climate resilient infrastructure installed along Sunset Boulevard to withstand the next California drought. In recent years, there have been rays of hope along the boulevard such as the weekly farmer's market, community tree plantings and the establishment of native plant habitats. Since 2022, the City Budget has committed ~$5.7 million in funding for recycled water, irrigation system repairs, and the hiring of additional gardeners.
CALL TO ACTION: Contact Friends of Sunset Boulevard below, and volunteer in any capacity that you can. To convert Sunset Boulevard to recycled water and ensure continued maintenance, more funding will be needed in future years. The next City Budget is never far away, so FOSB will once again rely on great neighbors and friends!